Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Running the Repository Creation Utility for OPSS

Running the Repository Creation Utility for OPSS

To create the necessary schemas for your application, you must run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU). You must have a supported OPSS schema before installing Oracle Primavera Prime. See the Tested Configurations document for supported OPSS servers.
To run the RCU:

  1. Go to the location where RCU was installed after you ran the fmw_infra_.jar. For example, C:\oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\bin.
    • For Windows installations, run rcu.bat
    • For Linux installations, run ./rcu
  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
    Note: Click Next on each screen to advance to the next step.
  3. On the Create Repository screen, choose Create Repository and System Load and Product Load.
  4. On the Database Connection Details screen, enter the following details for the OPSS Schema:
    • Database Type: Select the Oracle Database.
    • Host Name: The host name or the server IP address of the database server.
    • Port: A unique port number for the database schema.
    • Service Name: The global database name. For example, orcl.us.oracle.com.
    • Username: The username for a user with DBA privileges who can install a schema.
    • Password: The password for the username provided above.
    • Role: Role of the user who will be creating the OPSS schema. Select any of the following:
      SYSDBA: A user role with database administration privileges.
      Normal: A database user with no database administration privileges
  5. On the Select Components screen:
    1. Choose whether to use an existing or new prefix. Make a note of the prefix you choose.
    2. In the Components section, select Metadata Services and Oracle Platform Security Services.
  6. On the Schema Passwords screen, choose a method for handling your passwords. Make note of the password you use.
  7. On the Map Tablespaces screen, keep the defaults or choose different tablespace names. Make notes of your selections.
  8. On the Summary screen, review your selected installation options and click Create.
  9. When the wizard is finished, click Close.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Weblogic 12c ( Admin and Nodemanager Issues

Installed weblogic12c( succesfully.
After installation I got many erros like not starting the Admin Server Then after NodeManger etc.
Here am giving the solutions for Admin Server issues:
installed weblogic on non SSL mode.
Check The config.xml file as always when the Admin server is not coming up.
I changed the couple of parameters in config.xml
cd $DOMAIN_HOME/config
configCache  config.lok  config.xml  config.xml_back  deployments  diagnostics  jdbc  nodemanager  security  startup ,update from hostname to IP Address as I Installed this on VM.
After this cahnge am able to start my Admin server.
After launch teh Admin server my cpnsole page take huge time to open like after 45 min my login page appeared .For this issue we  added JAVA_OPTIONS in domain.env file as below.
JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom"
 in setDomainEnv.sh file.
Then after bounce the Admin server it works as expected.
2)Node Manager  startup issue.
The same way nodemanger will coming for after 20 min when I executed the start command.
JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom"
Added in startNodeManager.sh
Issue has been resolved.
3)Domain Servers are not coming up through command prompat or console.
This is struggled a lot,Many ways I tried to resolved ,but lastly I amnged to startup from both the ways adding below parameters.
-Dweblogic.management.discover=false -Dweblogic.management.server=${ADMIN_URL} First I added above parameter in startManagedWebLogic.sh which will start domain servers. I am succed on this .Then after the same parameters passed specifically in created Manged servers through console.
 login to console:
go to Enviornments>servers> WLS_1
go to server start tab and add in Argument column abvoe parameters.
And try to start the  services through console.It will come up with out any issue.
Please contact me if any .